Planning your Retirement
Retirement planning is one of the most important components of the financial planning process.
Compared with their parents and grandparents, today’s generation intends to retire younger and has greater expectations for quality of life in retirement, yet with longer life expectancies and reduced savings rates during working years. We also face an era in which public and private pensions are becoming less prevalent and reliable than before. So it is understandable that one of the most important concerns for Canadians is whether or not they will have enough money to retire comfortably.
As financial planners, here are some of the ways that we can assist with the retirement planning process:
- Determining the amount of money that will be required to fund your retirement, given current and expected levels of savings, anticipated retirement date and desired retirement lifestyle
- Integrating calculated projections of your expected employer and public pension income streams into your plan for a consolidated analysis of required retirement savings
- Providing an investment plan that takes into account retirement objectives, risk tolerance, tax minimization strategies and available resources
- Recommending, where appropriate, income splitting strategies such as spousal RRSP's, pension income splitting and joint accounts
- Examining the various savings options available such as a comparison between RRSP’s and Tax Free Savings Accounts
- Establishing and monitoring a regular retirement savings program
- Reviewing and updating your retirement plan as circumstances change
DISCLAIMER: Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. (“DFS Investments”) is not providing the financial planning service and will not be supervising this activity. You should not rely on DFS Investments for review of the plan. DFS Investments is neither charging nor being paid any fees for this service and will not be liable for any errors or omissions. This financial planning service is done solely through Trio Financial Planning.